
The board

The Constructam caravan is what connects the members. The members make the association and the board is ultimately responsible for the activities organized by and for the members. The board is elected by the members during the General Members Meeting (ALV). The board members are elected for three years. To prevent that every three years a completely new board is elected, a resignation roster is made in which every year one board member is elected or re-elected.

The board consists of:

  • Chairman Herre Wynia
  • Secretary (ad interim) Jacob-Jan van Schagen
  • Treasurer Gertjan Stender
  • General member (inspection and webshop) Ingrid van Rooijen
  • Algemeen lid (evenementen) Joop Lammers


Het bestuur is op zoek naar tenminste twee nieuwe bestuursleden!! De huidige secretaris functioneert al enige tijd ad-interim. Dit betekent dat hij deze functie in afwachting van een nieuwe secretaris tijdelijk waarneemt. Neem bij interesse contact op met Jacob-Jan van Schagen of Herre Wynia.


To contact the board, you can use the contact form .