The History of the Constructam caravan club

In 2001 a Constructam enthusiast searched the internet for information about the Constructam. Hardly anything appears to be found, so he starts his own website. To keep everyone informed about the development of this website a file with email addresses is created. During his search he discovers that someone else is working on a website about the Constructam caravan.

A number of Constructam owners from the mail group then took the initiative to camp together for a weekend in 2002. From 31 May to 2 June 2002 the first Constructam camping weekend takes place in Voorthuizen. During this weekend the participants share their passion for the Constructam caravan, exchange knowledge and discuss whether an association should be founded.

Model van een Comet uit de 3D printer
Model of a Comet from the 3D printer
Organisatie van het kampeerweekend
Organization of the camping weekend

The first weekend is so good for the sixteen participating teams that the next camping weekend is planned for the autumn of 2002. This time in Zeist. After an extensive buffet it was decided to start an association and to merge two websites into one. To further prepare the foundation of the association, a steering group is formed.

In 2003 the inaugural meeting takes place at which the Internal Regulations and the Statutes are adopted. The members of the steering committee sit on the board and with the passing of the deed at the notary and the registration at the Chamber of Commerce the Constructam Caravan Club is a fact! 

What started in Voorthuizen with sixteen caravans has now grown into a club with more than 300 enthusiastic members! In recent years, the CCC has organized a large number of Events, members help each other with all kinds of jobs during the "Klusweekend", the caravan can be inspected and insured through the CCC and there is a Spare Parts House.

Invitation to the tenth anniversary of the CCC

Source: The booklet compiled on the occasion of the tenth anniversary and written by Diane Stender-Jansen.